Outbound Camp "ROCKLAND" with Sunda Traditional Cottages / Resort
This is a main Camp at SELARAS Adventure Land that called “ROCKLAND” with Sunda and Java Traditional Cottage, located also at Cikiray Village-Sukabumi, West Java Indonesia. It's about 200 m from Family Camp "KIARALAND".
WOW! Beautiful, Amazing, Peace, Nice and so on…That's the mostly word which is outcome from our client. You should know that, ROCKLAND is also called “The Outside The Box Camp”, because it surrounding by hill, river, tropical forest, paddy field and far away from the village. So, it placed out of nowhere….? Not exactly, but only a small community who live for years ago that close to the Camp. And exactly, more than 90% of our staff are coming from the village (local people), this is what we called “corporate social responsibility” (CSR). We've trained them many things about how to operate the camp professionally including the system of safety procedure, food and beverage, facilitating the event, etc.
And, when you try to stay overnight here in ROCKLAND, you'll feels like home, our parent's home that far-far away. You'll be brought to the natural environment, no traffic, no waste, no smog and you will only hear “the sound of silent” ; water flow the river, wind of threes, singing bird, and some others natural sounds….Just Feel The Nature Experience there!
When you do Team Building / outbound / outing / gathering here at Sunda Traditional Cottage/Camp, You don''t have to worry about the facility. You will find some representative are to play experiential games or ideas, from low risk into high risk categories of the outdoor activity. Here, you can find Rope Course Towers (3 towers) to play high ropes or flying fox. The highest tower is about 30 m. WOW! Sounds interesting, off course it is! We built this tower as a copy of “Alpine Tower” in USA and we can create about 40 different styles or systems of rope course.
For you who interest in war simulation, just go to the back yard of th e Sundanese houses area. There you can play PAINTBALL Game. Others, you can also play “survivor game”, “treasury hunt”, fun games, aerobic, etc., because we have 3 main fields, so you can organize team building or outbound / outing event with different locations here at ROCKLAND. So, enjoy your outbound training or fun time with us! Please Contact our Marketing Team Soon ! at 021-7827623
outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort in indonesia outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort indonesia outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort indonesia outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort indonesia outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort indonesia outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort indonesia outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort indonesia outbound camp sunda and java traditional cottages/resort indonesia